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Spider Identification: Cellar Spiders and Harvestman Arachnids{

7/25/15-In this segment, Associate Extension Specialist and coordinator of OSU Insect Adventure Andrine Shufran talks about Cellar Spiders and Harvestman Arachnids. . Zainteresowanie, oceny: 14395, czas trwania 2m 4s, ocena 240, reakcje 67.
- The same people that say the harvestmen is the most "poisonous" (yes, not even venomous) are also the same people that say they got "bit" by a bee.
- I do have a cellar spider thats living in my ceiling room ! Im convinced that it’s actually a spider bot just spying on me But i don’t mind.
- In Australia everyone calls the cellar spiders daddy long legs, don’t think we even have harvestmen here
- This is partially true.. Harvestmen do eat other bugs and have been known to be cannibalistic. Still not a threat to humans.
- Easelly
- I dident know my cellar spider julia was serounded by a small musquitose and she can handel them but
- I saw a harvestman eat a moth before. They definitely eat other bugs.
- You can find them in my toilet ceiling
- 1:21 WATTA HE DO
- My favorite are jumping spiders. They're neat!
- People all over the U.S. call them "Daddy longlegs." Good little video. Thanks so much.
- Muy buen video, estas especies tienen formas muy peculiares, sin duda hacen la colección entomologica más interesante.
- Cellar Spiders do look a bit like Brown Recluses. I guess that's why people think they're venomous?
- If I had any celebrity spiders in my house I always kill those danm things!!
- I found one in my closet
- More people need to see this video. I'm tired of explaining this to EVERYONE. Lol.
- I find harvestmen terrifying, i hate every bug with many long legs, including crane flies
- We call them daddy longlegs in oregon. I finally held one a while back and it was pretty friendly.
- Proud to say, I found these facts when I was 12 or there a bouts
- I’m literally crying at this video I’m petrified please help they are everywhere and invading my room more than any other in the house and I want to scream and cry at them help me, please.

Edit: Not entirely sure why I’m leaving this comment here still but I think I made a weird joke when I was tired and I saw one but it was 7 months ago so I don’t fully remember so just ignore it if you want, it’s weird I know, I think it was a part of my dream and I’ve somehow often left comments in my sleep 😂