arachnids - Blue Moon my new Cobalt Blue Tarantula eating a cricket

Blue Moon my new Cobalt Blue Tarantula eating a cricket

From (od) : Nightfox00rougehero | Pets & Animals | time (czas) 03:19 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 34158 | rating (ocena) 4.392405 | Advert. (polecamy) - tu | Blue Moon my new Cobalt Blue Tarantula eating a cricket.

Comment (komentarze):

  • This is a very nice spider. I love the cobalt look. I wish I had one, I could get one, but my mum doesn't approve as she hates spiders. She won't have any of it :(. Anyway, this is a very nice spider :)
  • This is an "obligate borrower" species, which means (I've learned ) since I got one, that it HAS to borrow to be happy, so you should have it in a very high style of Kritter Keeper, and put lots of coconut coir/ mixed with sphagnum moss or (5=8 inches)! See 'The Spider Engineer", and "Jon3800" on Haplopelma species care. He has a set up in a Kritter Keeper that allows borrowing AND you can see her beauty also. The "Spider Engineer's" way will make your spider unable to be displayed. Mine is a 1-2 inch juvi., so in a year or more I'll be moving her into a tall kritter Keeper and make some borrows that I hope she uses that are situated on the plastic so I can see her. Good luck with your new beautiful blue girl! I hope I didn't sound bossy, I'm pretty new to the hobby also, and just thought I'd share what help me.
  • What a shame! Such a beautiful spider that you'll likely never see and if you do, it'll try to kill you. I had a captive-bred Striped-Knee which I handled a lot because I adopted her young when she was about the size of a poker chip. I also had CB Pink Toe that didn't like to be handled and when I moved her to clean her cage, she would voice her displeasure by shitting on me. People that have never cared for a tarantula--or at least seen one up close--can't appreciate the unique beauty of these animals. 
  • Should probably have another 4 inches of substrate at least. Most Cobalts never leave their burrows during their lifetime as they're obligate burrowers. Many times this is why they seem quick to hostility, because the spider doesn't have satisfactory surroundings. They're really not much of a display animal despite their nice colors. 
  • Beautiful spider! How is it caring for her? I hear these are the most aggressive tarantulas known to man. I wonder if it's possible to "train" them to acknowledge that you're it's owner so it doesn't bite your face off. lol
  • I miss my blue cobalt... She died in the winter of '03, after an ice storm left my area without power for 10 days (over Christmas, no less!) I just couldn't keep her warm enough.I agree with Krixig. Cobalts are burrowers, and rarely come out. There's no sense in stressing a tarantula. 
  • what did you name her?
  • I love spiders! and my favorite color is blue! I need to get one of these
  • She seems tense. Obligate burrowers. She is thinking: "I wish I were a few inches under the soil, then I will feel better."
  • Wow! Cool colors looks like a blue jay color
  • Is he or she fully grown?
  • spiders dont eat when they have eggs and often die when the babies hatch but not always
  • Wow thats a beautiful tarantula u got thr.
  • That color of the blue tarantula really compliments the red fabric! Amazing beauty!
  • great fukin name :)
  • Beautiful
  • Where did u pick her up?
  • This isn't the beginner species. These, Goliath bird eating & king baboons are a few pretty popular spider pet species you shouldn't start off w/. Mexican Redknee, Rose hair or Greenbootle blue are great beginner species.
  • @KeepingFaith1990 TY,she is indeed. However she wont burrow yet like most Haplopelma lividum should. I will see to new grounding.
  • One of the best looking colbolt blues I have ever seen,also seems very very calm relaxed and docile.
  • I have been told that these are not for beginner pet keepers, but they are by far the most beautiful I've you have any recommendations for/against getting this species as a first spider?
  • I love the Cobalt Blue. I want one.
  • If you catch them in your hands and dont let them see sunlight they wont bite you
  • definitly do NOT get this as a first spider. Get a chaco golden knee or a b smithi.
  • give her some cover. Maybe a branch dug into the soil, a piece of cork bark or ever a piece of a broken clay pot. you can start the hole for her aswell and her instincts will do the rest. Remember she's programmed to a rain forest environment. you need to recreate that as much as possible no matter how much you mcgyver it.
  • Hi, don't worry too much about her burrowing, she is probably quite happy. Leave her for a month or so and if she starts spreading her webs you'll know she's a happy girl. They are a burrowing species but not all do as each one is individual, just make sure it's really humid for her and there is no ventilation on your tank. A closed tank your size could supply her with enough air for 6 months. Just keep misting day to day and keeping her well fed and see how it goes :)
  • She will get a bit angry when touched,but she is 1 of the calmer of her kind. Really it's good to not bother this Tarantula too much.
  • recomend.
  • Perhaps you didnt see the other tarantula videos? She is fine now,thats the end of it.
  • so how is it to handle this particular tarantula? usually hear of ppl getting them as babies not adults. does it freak out if u stick your hands in her tank?
  • Is this spider in blue colour?
  • Cool
  • Well I did but I read on them for some many years. If you hardly know of this kind of spider & or wouldn't want a fast very mean 1,then Id say no. BUT ones like a Red knee or a Green bottle blue are ok for starts.
  • So beautiful! :O
  • Beautiful arachnid.
  • also try to keep your hand out of the enclosure as much as possible until shes really comfortable with it, meaning she has it webbed up like a mofo. She may not feel comfortable enough yet to settle in.
  • Beautiful spider.
  • Females live for quite some time, on record a Chile Rose has lived for up to 40+ years. I know that isn't the same species but it is a tarantula none the less, I'd say any female can live for atleast 10-15 years, but you'll probably have her for much longer if she is well looked after. She is beautiful btw.
  • Amazing color but no thank you to the creepy critter i will stick to my bright colored fish
  • At a pet store amazingly healty. But I redcomend getting 1 from a dealer online. like Kelly Swift.
  • i just got my rose hair yesterday. i wanted this breed but they told me they are not for begginers but yours is beautiful.
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