arachnids - 日本の活き造り文化 ・Eating LIVE FOOD in Japan

日本の活き造り文化 ・Eating LIVE FOOD in Japan

From (od) : Micaela ミカエラ | People & Blogs | time (czas) 04:40 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 65333 | rating (ocena) 4.719762 | Advert. (polecamy) - promuj się z nami | 日本の活き造り文化 ・Eating LIVE FOOD in Japan.

Comment (komentarze):

  • Micaela, I hope you are doing well, I saw what happened with Kawaii-ku and you don't seem as chirpy here.Chin up lass! Ignore the haters on the last video, they don't have to watch it.Sending hugs from Scotland your way! <3
  • I would freak out if I ate there haha, but it looks like something I might have to try one day! 
  • Array
  • Oh look! A fresh video..
  • "It is so fresh, it literally just died." -ミカエラ
  • *日本の活き造り文化 ・Eating LIVE FOOD in Japan*I would definitely not eat anything that is still moving....
  • What's wrong with your facial expression? You described the food as something tasty yet your face looked totally disgusted.....seems very contradicting to me. 
  • Lets play a drinking game. Take a shot every time Micaela says fresh.
  • エビの頭は噛じるのではなく吸い込むようにしてミソを味わうんですよ。カジっても間違いってわけではないけど普通はしないねw
  • この動画だけを見ると調理した人も調理された海老も食べたミカエラさんも見ている僕も、いいね!とは思えなかったなあー、感じたのは無理やり食べさせられた?ってことぐらい、苦手なら苦手って言ってもいいと思うけど、有名になるとタレント化するのは仕方ないかもね、そういう無理が顔に出ちゃったんじゃないかな?最初の頃のミカエラさんはすごく楽しそうだったけど、最近は仕事で紹介してる感じがするなあと思う様に・・・・いろいろ事情はあるんだろうけど、お体に気をつけて頑張ってください^^
  • ミカエラさんの食レポは、言葉で表現するのが大変そうだけど、食べたときの表情がすっごくいいと思うんです。おいしかったときの笑顔がとっても素敵なのです。
  • You should go to Hakodate and try the live squid there, its really good. I love fresh fish
  • Makes me wanna try live seafood! Why did I have to watch this so late at night... Now I'm hungry hahaha 
  • 捕ったものは命をいただくものなので、最後まで感謝して食べましょうw殺して食べないのは、命に感謝をしてないということ。
  • Are the animals really still alive? They might be moving but maybe it's like the "living squid" which just still moves a little...or moves when you pour soysauce over it.Because in Germany you can get fresh fish at some can see them swimming in an aquarium and decide which one you want to eat. Of course eating it as "Sashimi" is not common, so you get it cooked in some way but still very very fresh. I don't even know at what point it's forbidden, but i guess the animal you eat just HAS to be dead so it won't suffer.I would totally eat this Sashimi...but i'd feel a little awkward if the fish was really alive...seeing me...eating it know? *shivers*
  • All them fish ;) I have had the whole shrimp in Chinatown in Toronto once, and it was fried. It is all good but the shell is what turns people off ;) The weirdest thing? Well always and forever will be chicken sashimi in Awaji!
  • 接近してるせいか画質がいいせいか知らないけど、老けて見えますね・・・以前と比べるとすごい老けこんで見えます。最近忙しくて疲れてるんでしょうか??
  • As an aussie, I'm sad its prohibited to have it this way... just one more reason to visit japan i guess?
  • 活け造りって早く食べないと死後硬直で固くなって不味いらしいね。 あと店のイケスで飼われてるのは魚自身のストレスとか餌・水の関係で当たり外れもあるみたい。 バラバラにされても生きてるぐらい鈍感な生物なんだから残酷かどうかと言われればどうなのだろう。
  • 海外の人にとって活け造りは食のエンターテインメントでしょうね!(゚o゚;;
  • 中洲の河太郎?呼子町にもあるよ!毎年食べに行ってる♬
  • ミカエラさん!海老の頭はミソを吸ってね。生で食べる日本人は見たことないです。ミソを吸った後に素揚げにして食べると美味しいですよ。
  • Usually, the bacteria that can be on the food dies when the meat is cooked but raw food can actually be dangerous but not if cared properly I guess. Japan may be strict concerning its meat but it's not the case with all countries.
  • Doesn't it hurt your mouth eating shrimp heads? They have those pointy things like spikes on the shell, and they're really unpleasant to bite.
  • タカトシの番組に出てるね!
  • we all have our limitations lol at least you tried it all good job
  • nice!私もエビの頭は好きではないですよ!歯に詰まるし!
  • こんなデカい海老の頭なんて普通食わんよ。秋刀魚の内蔵なんかと同じで好き者だけ食うレベル。
  • More food reviews like this would be quite enjoyable! Ahahaha :P
  • weirdest thing I've eaten so far is kangeroo meat
  • ate frog legs, according to my Kazak and Indian friend they're very popular and tasty in their countries, and I, a European Canadian, agree, delicious 
  • I ate live clay fish in Sydney around 30 years ago at a seafood restaurant in Double Bay. I felt other people all around watching me eating. A year after my visit there, I read a newspaper in Japan to know they prohibited to eat live fish there.
  • I don't know what is strange for you ,but my granny eats soup made from duck blood. 
  • That looks like my kind of thing! The weirdest and most disgusting thing I've eaten would had to of been shirako.. Though all my friends back home were freaked out at one of my videos of fugu that was still moving on the plate. 
  • you changed your hair color again !!!
  • 踊り食いという食べ方もありますが、好んでやる食べ方ではないですよね。そもそも踊り食いをしたことのない人が大半ですよね。
  • 大丈夫、俺も日本人だけど海老の頭はダメだから。(^^)
  • I'm extremely brave when it comes to eating/trying new foods. Especially Japanese food. I can get myself past what it is, what it smells like and even texture and just put it in my mouth and go. However, just like you, I couldn't stomach shrimp heads when I tried them either. It's the only time I thought I might throw up trying to swallow. I managed to get it down, but I'll never eat it again.
  • you're music is so louddd :(
  • 中洲に行った時に行けばよかったです。。。美味しそう。。
  • I'm not putting anything in my mouth that looks like that
  • I love trying new foods, but I have never had them live, well not yet anyway. I'm a big fan of Filipino food, and Balut (the fertilized chicken egg) is very good, and also soup number 5 (the testicals of the Carabao or Water Buffalo), and I've also had, and still eat tacos with Head, Tounge, and Intestine meat, so delicious. Pigs feet are also something I've tried, very good. I've had Horse, frogs, and gator meat, all really good, more people should try it. Buffalo meat is also very good, but its very expensive. And, I think your review was great, you were very honest, and you didn't use flowery words, like most food critics do, you were honest, you were giving Micael's review. That's why your videos are among my favorites to watch, all honest and nothing fake, all Micaela, and that's perfect!
  • in all fairness raw seafood really does just taste fresher than its cooked form. and was that your manager? he wasn't nearly grumpy enough in this.the weirdest thing I've eaten might be Rocky Mountain Oysters but I've eaten a lot of strange things.
  • In Spain we eat a lot of shrimps, but we don't eat the heads. It's said that the head of the shrimp contains some kind of toxic compounds.
  • 美味しく食べる為の活き造りならOK見世物にする為ならただ残酷なだけの野蛮な行為だと思う。この店は良さそうなお店ですね。
  • 健康に良いと思うし、自分は美味しいと思うなあ。羨ましい。
  • Weirdest food I've tried must be the chicken sashimi in Tokyo when I visited last year :) but the cool thing about it, it was sooooo freaking good. I missed to try the fearsome fugu though.. If you have any recommendations to try it in Tokyo let me know ! 
  • Whahaha! :-D Brilliant... I'd love to go there. Sure, one gets weird and wonderful foods to try in the World and that is really exciting. No one person will like everything they eat, but, the experience is where the awesomeness is.Side note: Also, the production quality is getting better! Nice! Looking forward to seeing more of these.
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