arachnids - Tarantula Mythbusters 2: Detailed Vid of B.smithi (Mexican Red Knee)

Tarantula Mythbusters 2: Detailed Vid of B.smithi (Mexican Red Knee)

From (od) : Jon3800 | Pets & Animals | time (czas) 11:28 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 32078 | rating (ocena) 4.9411764 | Advert. (polecamy) - rozrzutnik obornika | Tarantula Mythbusters 2: Detailed Vid of B.smithi (Mexican Red Knee).

Comment (komentarze):

  • Hey... um if I use a bigger tank then the one you have would that be too big? 
  • I used the clay for substrate. I forget what its called but I got it from petland. I read that this is more a desert spieces and gave it a desert like set up. I think that substrate is more for lizzards. do you recommend I change it or is that okay? I wont lie the enclosure sure looks amazing. I printed an HD desert background for the tank
  • I used sawdust as soil for my B.Smithi now. She's 6 months old.
  • Hi.. I hope that its ok if i use moss peat at my b.smithi?
  • +Jon3800 , Hi, What Is The Lifespan Of Male B Smithi?
  • So youtube bugged on me and now im probably posting the same thing again but here we go:Im from Brasil and I want to get a mexican red knee. The temperature and humidity here will not be a problem I live in Recife near a river, like across the street from my apartment is the Capibaribe river. Now for thw substract one thing that I have plenty is sphagnum. Its soft, moist and I can mix with othe things, what do you recomend?Second in here there are a lot of geckos and small lizards and im prond to say im grat at catching them. Do you think a one inch lizard is good for her?And the T's bite and venon are that bad, like if I get bitten do I have to hush to the hospital or just stay at home?and what about the damage the fangs thenselves can do?That's about it, I actually have quite a sad history with a red knee when I was a child and want to start over with this amazing animal.
  • Do you need heating for them
  • Hello, buddy. B.Smithi is my favorite... COOL LOL!!!
  • So, I have a pair of these (one's a 3" male and the other's a 6" female) and both are out for blood. The female eats whatever prey item I give to her whether it be roach, cricket, mealworm, even thawed pinkies. She doesn't gain any weight and her abdomen is quite small despite all I feed her. It's not ruptured, at all. I also gave her a whole crapload of crickets (and a pinkie) two days ago in hopes that she would gain some weight. She also attacked (and latched onto) my flashlight when I went to go see if she had been injured. She was really nice before her first molt for me.
  • Dude your spider looks like it came out of blue waffle vagina
  • Thank you for the video! I have been interested in getting a tarantula and was looking at this species in particular because they're generally recommended, have a nice temperament and they're really beautiful. This video was very helpful, I learned quite a bit!
  • Array
  • Getting my B.smithi spiderling tomorrow. Name choices for girls was either Scarlett or Matilda. Scarlett it is. :P good video though :)
  • you dont have to a light for them
  • I now officially mean "fully grown" since he started spinning a sperm web.
  • Oh my gosh, I would love to live in that house with you. So many different species of spiders! <3
  • humidity is too high or not enough ventilation.
  • Hey jon I have a Mexican red knee tarantula about 3" (male) and how long does it takes for him to molt and also I can see him active in the night and webs a little. Pls tell me nice bus too
  • I always see both my specimens full out in the open 24/7. They rarely ever use their hides.
  • Love your videos and extensive research you do Jon, thanks!
  • molting generally takes 3-8 hours depending on your specimen
  • inorganic potting soil or eco earth (the one that is sold in a brick at your pet store)
  • I put her in a new enclosure where she has more space to run, I was able to hold her today :) I guess she was in a bad mood haha idk but I fed her and she let me hold her walking very slowly, no hairs being kicked. Thanks :)
  • watch?v=6LEkjEp4_2g Works for any tarantula
  • I really can't answer this accurately since individual Ts molt at different rates and times. He likely needs at least 2 molts give or take to become fully mature, but that's just an educated guess.
  • do NOT use bark. Its too rough of a substrate and will develop sores underneath the abdomen. Do NOT use cedar because it's fatal for tarantulas. Use either a small bag of low-grade fertilzer potting soil or eco earth thats sold in pet stores which costs you no more than $5
  • Curtis...normally B.smithi aren't supposed to be good climbers and they can fall and hurt themselves badly. Is your tank too humid or is the substrate too wet? That's normally the cause why B.smithi climb the glass.
  • He/she's likely exploring the new have to give them a couple of days for him/her to settle down
  • how do you tell pre molt ?
  • You should NEVER give ANY tarantula a mouse. 1) It's NOT healthy for them since they can't metabolize calcium 2) You're risking the T's life. One bite/scratch/kick from the mouse can actually kill it 3) If you feed them more than 1-2 mice per year, they will have complicated molts and they can die from it My tarantulas, as you've seen from many feeding videos, I feed them crickets and superworms. In all my 18 years I've kept them, they've never even seen 1 mouse; and they are healthy
  • as a 1/4'' newborn sling, it takes around 5-7 years to reach its full 6'' legspan
  • Personalities change. I had a G.pulchripes that became more defensive after each molt. Maybe give him more time. He might just be a bit happens normally from time to time
  • thx. where could i get a baby tarantula online...... one more Question. what is your favorite type of tarantula.
  • im geting a B.smithi how do i set up the cage
  • Hey Jon me again I just got a 3" female smithi to equal 12!! This is soo addicting once u get started.anyways how old would my smithi be? Also I tell u when I post a video of them ok;-)
  • Yea she has faded coloring, bald apot on the abdomen and just refused a cricket. Im just goin to leave her alone till about ,5-6 days after her moult,feed her n see how cranky she is after that. It would be my luck to get a mean Thanks again for your advice jon3800 and keep up the great vids.
  • I thought the Mexican Red leg was a different breed then the red knee?
  • If the whole bald spot is dark, then its premolt, you don't need to send me a pic. can't say that more than enough. I have fb, but its a bad way to get in contact as I rarely go on my account. Email would better, so long as you write a heading on your title so I know its from you
  • semi moist as slings, dry as adults.
  • What I've learned about watching these vids is that about once a year you can give it a mouse otherwise they would get molting probs with too much calcium, and they are very docile and will kick hairs if agitated but it is very unlikely to bite. you can feed it crickets and superworms like Jon does. Look up in the comments to see how bad it is if it does bite you. Like you I have to convince my parents into letting me buy a B. Smithi, B. Albopilosum, and a Euathlus sp yellow
  • this is one tarantula I recommend for handling. Others include B.albopilosum (curly hair), Avicularia avicularia (pinktoe), B.emilia (Mexican Painted Red leg) and Eupalaestrus campestratus (Pink zebra beauty).
  • B.smithi don't like high humidity environments and they will stay on top of it to express their discomfort. Keep it dry with a dish. You don't need to keep them wet.
  • look at kenthebuygguy's website
  • im 12 an getting my first T's a brachypelma smithi and a lasiodora parahybana...i am exited...and i also live in canada..NS...
  • What do u think of keeping Zoomed's spaghnum moss in the tank for any tarantulas
  • I have a 4 inch b.smithi that hasent eaten in a month and how do you know when a t is matured
  • Great vid man, cant wait to get my B. Smithi.
  • Jon if i overflow the water dish every few days will this keep the humidity up?
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