arachnids - Tarantula [2011] [HD]

Tarantula [2011] [HD]

From (od) : Jack Hynes | Pets & Animals | time (czas) 10:20 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 43415 | rating (ocena) 4.616 | Advert. (polecamy) - promuj się z nami | Tarantula [2011] [HD].

Comment (komentarze):

  • where is this documentary from?
  • This documentary is garbage, don't bother even watching it.
  • i have 9 T's and they;re not Mosters!!! few i will not hold but my Red and Gold Knee i hold and never been bit.Was a nice video thx for the post
  • Wow I'm a beginner Tarantula collector and even I could tell this guy was full of shit lol
  • They don't go into that much detail about Tarantulas, not all have 8 eyes and 8 legs!The eyes range from 2 - 12! And legs range from 4-9! Some lose legs through molting and they grow back at a very slow pace!
  • If anybody wants to learn about Tarantulas ,then go check out my channel I have videos on all of my Tarantulas which I keep as pets, I have feeding videos ,handling videos and other cool but wierd stuff So go ahead ,checkout my channel,learn something new ,and if you like my videos ,then, Subscribe! ,for more cool and educational videos on Tarantulas
  • did you make this sir
  • That silk sounds pretty practical. Movement detector, insect trap, carpet, plate for the meal...
  • Pffft, I own 8. I wish docs on tarantulas would actually put more attention on the different, amazing species versus the "spooky" factor. There's been no record of a tarantula ever killing a human, even the more painful venom ones (which I own 4 of). Whether their bite is very painful or not, they're to be respected of course... but for at least us tarantula owners, we just find it pretty laughable when people are so heavily terrified of them. Fascinating creatures, horrible PR. LOL.
  • Insect and rodent numbers down which help agriculture
  • still this however have to be a learning process documentary not a horror film documentary....however think how a documentary would sell more? exaggerating is the key part but finally you learn nothing ...but to fear although you know that tarantulaes are not dangerous at all...equally to a bee's sting
  • fangs, they scare me most.
  • This is a male tarantula..
  • Blondie
  • Fuck it!
  • ok, they show a black widow at the beginning yet claim the tarantula is the most feared? tarantulas pack a nasty bite but the widow has the potentially leathal venom, i'd say that is more feared than a tarantula but i am biased as i have 2 tarantulas of my own
  • So, how are those not primitive?
  • They actually aren't that big.
  • There's nothing wrong with the narrator, these beasts are fucking frightening
  • well i don't own any tarantula's, and in fact i am terrified of spiders. but i travelled to the amazon a while ago, and there were tarantula's everywhere. half of them aren't (noticeably) poisonous, and the ones that are would still have a hard time killing a human. believe me, there is a LOT more to fear when you are in a jungle (parasites, conga ants, giant beetles, etc). tarantulas really aren't scary. they don't even build webs. they hunt on the ground. there are worse spiders.
  • oh yeah... 350 000 000 years thats sounds good enough.. bullshit!
  • Well if you Caught one,give it to me 'cause i want it to be my pet. :3
  • I was actually on edge fearing the tarantula would be eaten...then at the last minute I remembered the could swim LOL. But I was still worried wondering if the tarantula was stupid enough NOT to jump.
  • cállese Ignorante...
  • The narrator sounds like one of those creepy pedo guys on the stereotype boyscout camps telling storys round the campfire ;3
  • Hmm... ant army, maybe. But a Therephosa Blondie eats praying mantises for breakfast.
  • I don't want to hate but I need to share my opinion this is in all honesty the most ignorant video I have ever seen they play the tarantulas out to be killers and make them seem dangerous and there information is questionable. I know because I work with one of the largest tarantula dealers in the country(USA) and know more than this guy does the truth is no one has ever died from a tarantula in fact also tarantulas should be respected because not only do they not harm humans they help by keeping
  • the narrator sounds like freaky fred off of courage the cowardly dog...
  • They've roamed the earth for 350,000,000 years? They must be exhausted! I keep tarantulas and can honestly say that in terms of doing any harm to humans, you've more to fear from ducklings that T's.
  • how sore was it
  • Tarantulas are nothing to be scared of. Smaller spiders are.
  • tarantula's venom can't kill a person, except if the person is allergic to the venom. I own 13 different species of Ts, and i have been bitten several times.
  • Thanks for uploading, this has really interested me. :)
  • is anyone feeling itchy??
  • igorot borot
  • i really documentaries about spiders, although it was very intresting the narrator also exaggerated alot with his scary voice :P
  • Im almost tempted to put this video in fast forward so the narrators voice isnt so damned slow! Makes the video near un-watchable!
  • 5:16 i'd like to see the guy who found that out
  • The narrator sounds like a pedo telling scary stories around the campfire on a camping trip. :P
  • this scared me.
  • Nice catch
  • cállese Ignorante ...
  • These primitive creatures are nothing compared to The Great Ant Empire or The Mighty Preying Mantis!
  • Thank God for sending these natural wonders ...
  • ............zzzzzzzz
  • Blondi, freaking auto-correct.
  • This video is silly, tarantulas are wonderful as all living beings on earth ... I have several species bred in captivity, because I do not like the beautiful animals get them out of their habitats ... and expose them to extinction ... so that the placing of "Nightmares" IGNORANT is a matter of who do not know the wonders that God sent the planet.
  • Is this narrated by Tim Curry? lol
  • More information, Tell us something interesting now - here.