arachnids - Burning over Brown, Crickets over Hooks

Burning over Brown, Crickets over Hooks

From (od) : Derrick Grayson | News & Politics | time (czas) 06:36 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 3357 | rating (ocena) 4.9444447 | Advert. (polecamy) - | Burning over Brown, Crickets over Hooks.

Comment (komentarze):

  • Could say much. I'll just say God Bless & protect you, and this Nation.
  • Some people really amaze me. The case below is the one you should be weeping over, yet you weep over a guy who was troubled in the first place, more than likely to be killed by the streets or sent to prison. No one complaining about Brown has weeped over the grand jury witness killed by another Negro. I've connected the dots over broken black families for years, outlining how it leads to the troubled lives of youths, most of which who end up dead or in prison. Yet you still pick the case of a Michael Brown to protest over. Better yet, you didn't pick it, it was picked for you by corporate backed media and politicians. Then you fall in line, like fools. It sickens me to no end.Most of the white people weeping with the Blacks (most of the Negroes for sure) over MB have probably never spent a day volunteering to help troubled Black teens, teaching an incarcerated Negro how to read or even volunteering to feed people in the soup line, let alone inviting them into their homes. Most would rather go to Africa and bring Ebola back, ***sighs***. The perfect case for demonstration gets crickets. Read the story of Mr. David hooks, gunned down by police, in his own home. over Brown, Crickets over Hooks#DropsMic #WalksOffStage #CanYouDigIt #INeedAShave
  • You're speaking 100%.
  • I'm black and have been saying the same thing about white people. The media likes to portray the narrative that it is unsafe to just be a young black man. No one is saying that a person isn't targeted because they are a minority but I have heard enough personal accounts of accounts of the police going after poor whites who don't fit an idea or middle class whites who are responsible gun owners to know that there is a greater problem going on in this nation.
  • While I don't agree exactly on your take on Brown, I do agree that this is more than a Black thing. It IS a cop vs. citizens thing. It is happening, all over the USA, because OUR (hah?) cops, who are supposed to be protecting and serving us (all of us) have been militarized and are seeing themselves as our adversaries.There is an ex-IDF (IOF) soldier who's been speaking throughout the USA for a few years, WARNING that this IS what our cops were becoming.. And, he has put the blame on a combination of US corporate elite, along with the lunatic-state of Israel, which is where these cops are being trained. Some of us saw this coming because of this young man's honesty, but most Americans have absolutely NO clue.I get email alerts from all sorts of small-town newspapers on cop-shootings. I know there are groups who watch the cops (Cop Watch, Save Our Streets. etc...), including those in Austin. There need to be a LOT more people doing this; especially people who don't have anything better to do with their days and nights, watching and videotaping, so the truth(s) can be known. T; you ought to check out Antonio Buehler (Austin) and see what he has to say about these cops.... His claims are far from being the only cases against abusive police.And of course, it s not just Blacks who suffer at the hands of these cops. They may have a predisposition against Blacks, but I think they see most (if not all) of us in the same manner. And this is not good for anyone in this country. We cannot create ANY change in this nation, though, unless we fix our police forces.
  • Burning Over Brown, Crickets Over Hooks
  • Burning Over Brown, Crickets Over Hooks
  • Excellent Mr. Grayson! Excellent indeed!
  • What an excellent message. Michael Brown did contribute to his own death. We should be worried about legitimate gun owners and their property and rights.
  • He is a successful person. The socialists only weep for the lawless thugs which advance the socialist agenda. Also, this is the first I have heard of this case. Plus, the socialists want the tyranny. 
  • hey mr Grayson. I have a question. I feel responsible about changing the world for the better for my daughter, but i also feel helpless to do so. advice?
  • The real reason this is not not being shown by the mainstream media is because this man was white. Lets be honest. If this was a successful black man, this would be all over the news. 
  • I love seeing people say they are making this Racial. Look at their skin color for those who think like this. Those people are you in the community helping out or behind a pc just texting your opinions ? Are those white people living in black neighborhoods Knowing exactly what goes on or are these blacks making up stories about history people getting hung in trees and how many black cops shot unarmed white boys ? And if you comment please post link of proof you have to my examples.
  • I must say, I agree with you 100% on this issue. I've been saying for months that this issue is about the "bad / bully /criminal" police officers" using excessive force militarized practices against common every people (black & white). The media made it about race in the Mike Brown to keep folks divided, because people feel the need to take sides. It's the smoke in front of the fire. People will concentrate on the smoke (Brown &Wilson) versus dousing the fire (corrupt police officers). 
  • I did not hear about any of this and I'm well i inform well I thought
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  • Since the 15th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, personal wealth, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality.And you, Mr. Grayson, personify this in all your actions.I'm a person of modest means and have only ever donated to no more than 3 or 4 political campaigns.If you run again, I'll donate again.
  • Hey man, some of us white folk are in the know. Keep up the good work.
  • Thank you.
  • Thanks Tmot. This is beyond criminal action on the part of the law enforcement people! My head is spinning just thinking of the over reaction to what they thought was a drug dealer or what ever they thought. Our country is going INSANE!!!
  • I feel bad for not telling you sooner. Check the John Moore show 11-25/26/Today. Patriotic Law enforcement with inside info in the 314. St Louis Oathkeepers video from April predicted every thing happening in the 314/ Ferguson since But the John Moore show is on jrLiberty channel. They explain the 100 city attack they are planning in a effort to show the need for National Police or maybe the UN? 
  • I work in Laurens county so I am familiar with this story. One of the guys I work with knew this man personally. Went to high school with his wife. The story I was told stinks of incompetence by the Laurens county SO. The message that I sent to Mrs. Hooks was that I would NOT rest until ALL of the LEO's involved were either homeless or in a prison cell. None of this will ever change until we start holding the individual LEO responsible instead of the taxpayers of the county. I missed the first rally for Mr. Hooks. Maybe I'll try and make this one. I'd love to meet you again anyway Mr. Grayson. Thank you for bringing this to light!
  • In fairness to officers, there were 52K assaults on law enforcement officers in 2013, 55K in 2012. There are only 365 days in a year....they are dealing with some serious situations on a daily basis. 
  • Well spoken Sir! I agree entirely. :)
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  • Amen, thanks for sharing. 
  • Well spoken sir. Thanks for helping get the word out. Very disturbed in Arkansas. 
  • if rick ross made a song about it wed care 
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  • Thank You TMOT
  • They are literally killing people for no reason everywhere. 
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  • Awesome!
  • I had not heard a word about this. Thank you TMOT!EV
  • Mr Grayson where were you and the white community when East Dublin police shot and killed Melvin Williams in 2010. Where was your outrage and that of the white community? Support goes both ways. They don't support the black community and now you are questioning where the support and outrage from the black community. Stop it I say!
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  • Un-armed people are getting killed by police!!! white or black!
  • Blessed are the peace makers and Mr. Grayson you are a peace maker. I have not even heard about Mr. Hooks story and like you said it is not something that the media can take and divide us with as with the David Brown story. 
  • It's amazing how white liberal politicians court the black vote as fanatically as they do........especially when you consider that over 50% of the black male population has a string of felony convictions which completely nullify their ability to vote in the fist place. There are currently over one million black men who are incarcerated in this country's prison system.....which again, precludes their ability to participate in an election.Add to that how so many apathetic blacks simply refuse to go to the poles to begin with. When you add it all up......well below half of 10% of the overall American black population is eligible to vote or even attempts to vote at all.The massive amount of voter fraud in the black vote is reflective of white liberals who have invested so much political capitol in a community that makes up an embarrassingly small amount of votes that are ultimately cast for any particular candidate. The criminal statistics have knocked out over half of all potential black voters....And this is why some blacks end up voting 6 or 7 times in a row...for the same candidate...right in the same voting booth. The numbers have to be artificially inflated for blacks to even have a demographic dent in any given election. Once the black vote basically becomes non-existent...where will radical, liberal whites go next with their race baiting politics?ENTER: The new wave of illegal aliens.We'll have to listen for "The white man is keeping you down" speech which is already being written to deliver to these illegal aliens...even before they've set foot in this new land of political opportunity. 
  • thank you for telling us about that. i had know Idea. it is disgusting what they did no two ways about it.
  • Love you brother
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