arachnids - Eating Tarantulas in Cambodia

Eating Tarantulas in Cambodia

From (od) : cyrex686 | Travel & Events | time (czas) 05:19 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 743132 | rating (ocena) 4.554229 | Advert. (polecamy) - promuj się z nami | Eating Tarantulas in Cambodia.

Comment (komentarze):

  • Excuse me while I go throw up.
  • Ill stick to my hot wings thanks
  • Holy shit these people have so much balls ;)
  • i will stick with chicken wings and burgers.. thanks
  • Oh god. I'm in this part of you tube again... 
  • Tarantulas look like hairy testicles with 8 legs
  • Look's alright to me. 
  • After he said egg sac, that was enough for me....freaking gross dude
  • i've never eaten insects before but goddamn. those look delicious! the way he describes it just makes my mouth water. if i ever go to Cambodia i will definitely try em 
  • Insects rarely feel pain, most of them don't develope or even have nerve cells for feeling pain.
  • This got me a little hungry and that woman has good smile.
  • I want to go to Cambodia just to eat tarantulas and cackle quietly as I eat the spider's close cousin as payback for their years of tormenting me.
  • He should at least bought a bag of spiders, not traveling to another country to try only 3 fried spiders
  • What a waste of water kid's in Africa could take a bath
  • Well they are arthropods just like crab and lobster so I'd assume they would be similar... I just could not get over the fact that they're spiders
  • I stick to drinking beer and eating pretzels.... thanks
  • This will soon be a thing that doesn't surprise us. It's just like the time that we first eat chickens and now, it's just normal.
  • Gotta try that!!!
  • Now I am hungry for some odd reason and I hate spiders
  • Disgusting...People say we eat shit was looks crazy to them, but really? I'm still tryna find something we eat that equals to insects etc...
  • McDonald's needs to get on this. McSpider Unhappy Meal.
  • Are ALL of you people really that freaking dumb? Didn't ANY of you pay attention in biology class? You are all referring to spiders as insects. They are NOT insects, they are warm-blooded mammals.
  • it's a cultural difference. every country has different things that they eat that would be viewed as weird to other people from other countries. you'll find people selling many types of bugs in cambodia, but it's more towards the provinces. i understand that some people are thinking this is some nasty shit, but do understand that not everyone is rich. many people living in the provinces of cambodia are poor. they make a living off of these things.
  • I'll eat Snake over my worst fear....spiders. 
  • Looks yummy mmm
  • If I was starved in the jungle and this was all I could eat I would happily die
  • Did he eat the spiders? I was looking at the woman all the time.
  • He ate a spider
  • this nigga travelled to cambodia to eat a deep fried tarantula seasoned in chicken broth mix? NIGGA COULDVE CAUGHT THAT MF IN HIS BEDROOM AND SEASONED THAT NIGGA WITH GENUINE KFC HERBS AND SPICES AND DEEP FRY THAT SHIT
  • I'll try itI've already eaten fried grasshoppers and worms before so this should be good
  • If your Buddhist and your eating this nasty stuff. Then your breaking a rule of your Religion, Buddha said to not kill any living thing. Every living thing should deserve to live!!!. im a Christian just saying..LOL
  • You guys are fucken eating tarantulas xD.
  • nope nope nope nope and nope
  • i own pet tarantulas. this happens to the the most disgusting thing ive ever watched, like why would you want to eat a tarantula?? 
  • 3:01 Yeah this is really more fucked up than Omega.
  • It is so fucking delicious!!!
  • this tarantula looks delicious for me lol I wanna try this 
  • What ever happen to good old deep fried chicken .... jeez 
  • there's obviously a title to every video that yall read and you got the nerve to say "I'm at this side of YouTube" when you were the one who clicked on it smh
  • That's wrong! They feel pain! Stop follow other!
  • Gross!!!😂😂😂 
  • eww....close your mouth you fat turd when chompin away! fuckin pig
  • damn..I feel sad for ppl living in there...and dont even try to tell me its ok and can be decent lie! deep in heart u all wanna get away from these type of coutries...and YOU SHOULD!
  • Wow that really does look tasty.
  • Stop it...that's just greedy
  • 12 cents a piece? We pay like 40 bucks here for one as a pet.
  • My mouth is watering dayum!
  • More information, nasiona sorgo - here.