arachnids - Grammostola rosea (chilean rose hair tarantula) complete care sheet

Grammostola rosea (chilean rose hair tarantula) complete care sheet

From (od) : Exoticpetz23 | Pets & Animals | time (czas) 07:53 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 7386 | rating (ocena) 4.030303 | Advert. (polecamy) - promuj się z nami | Grammostola rosea (chilean rose hair tarantula) complete care sheet.

Comment (komentarze):

  • I have a rose hair and she borrows and hides. She actually borrowed kind of a back entrance to her hide.
  • My rose hair loves her hide she goes in there every night.
  • Is it ok if I don't handle it at all? I don't want to risk getting bit
  • Where's her hide?
  • The rose hairs are actually one of the most handlable species. Very docile, not inclined to bite really unless you stress them out.
  • Anyone that knows how to go about breeding them. Is what I mention to say.
  • 3 if u can try to set up the breeding late at night, because this will increase the chances even more that the female will be receptive twards the male because in the wild they bred at night as they are nocturnal. 4 when they are in the same enclosure pay attention to whats going on. look for the male to tap his feet, or 'drum' and look to see that the female is drumming back. if she is not, she is most likey not ready to breed. i hope that helped
  • I have an adult female Rosie and one that can breed an has a male that would be interested in doing it. Let me no.
  • @MRCYBORG42000 ive successfully bred my rosies plenty of times. ill try to explain as simple and short as i can 1 make sure the female is well fed before hand. this will increase the chances she will be more receptive to the mature male. so feeds her heavily then the next day or two introduce the male. 2 introduce the male on the opposite end of her. this will insure that the male will not startle the female and she wont immediately try to defend herself. 3 -continued-
  • Nice toaster quality bud
  • How do they drink water
  • @danelmcamis93 actually all my rose hairs that had this set up did really well. most rosies do not like hides or actually burrow, they are pet rocks that just like to chill
  • Mine digs all the time loves to dig. She has a 10 gal tank and goes everywhere. I made a burrow for her and she fixed it the way she wants it.4 in of substrate.
  • Thats a Beauty :)
  • I love how you mentioned that the closest they come to using a hide is sitting on it, haha, mine does just that.
  • Hey I just got a G. Rosea from Petco for 9 bucks AND got 3 bricks of free eco earth!! Anyway this is my 3rd T, and its an odd one. She sits on top of her rock and refuses to get off. I suspected the substrate was too moist so i set it in the Texas sun (its about 100F out right now) but she still wants nothing to do with it. Should I give her time or change substrate (eco earth) or just let her enjoy her rock?
  • youve been to collage and it not a circle
  • Her*
  • From what I've heard, g roseas are supposed to have a substrate 2-4 inches deep, because they do sometimes burrow. And my rose is beyond lovely to handle, on the other hand my boyfriend's rose is grumpy and flicks hairs quite often, so I think it depends on the tarantula, but I believe roseas are fairly docile and easy to handle.
  • nice video ! what should i do if i fed a zophobas and my G.R dosent take it and it burrows down the substrate?
  • I gotta say my rose hair hides in her cave all day, she is hardly outside of it. Only at night to if she needs water. I do have a question when I got my tarantula they said to give her this gel stuff for water, but I'm kinda thinking that normal water would be better. So my question is, is it better if I use gel or water? And then the other question I have is I do use a heating lamp on my tarantula, I use a nocturnal one and a day Imelda that bad?
  • i have studied t's for over 2 years and i have wanted a mexican red leg should i start out with this tarantula or would you recommend a diffrent one
  • @bj135 Well if you have the cash id def invest in a mexican redleg because these tarantulas are among the most handlable of all ts. if you want to go the cheaper route try getting your hands on a curly hair tarantula Latin name Brachypelma Albopilosum. they are prolly the most catatonic of all tarantulas, but individual personalities vary from T to T. hope this helped. take care.
  • no problem dude. and yes it is possible, and not good for your T at all because this will lead to one of two things if not both. 1 they will develop a swollen abdomen which will lead to lethargy and the bottom of the abdomen will develop a bald spot and a sore from being drug around all the time. the second is feeding the T too often aka "power feeding" your T will cause them to grow faster and have a shorter life due to frequent molting.
  • The Chilean recluse spider is a venomous spider, Loxosceles laeta, of the family Sicariidae (formerly of the family Loxoscelidae). In Spanish, it (and other South American recluse spiders) is known as araña de rincón, or "corner spider"; in Portuguese, as aranha-marrom or "brown spider". This spider is considered by many to be the most dangerous of the recluse spiders, and its bite is known to frequently result in severe systemic reactions, including death. houses common in chile ^^
  • Here*
  • So many different stories of how to take care of a rose. Some say don't use shallow substrate in a large tank in case the spider falls, others say don't use deep substrate. Some say Roses are not for beginners, some say they are ideal. Some people also say a Rose cannot be handled, while others say it's safe to handle a Rose. Totally confusing.
  • my female Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula does nothing all day.......stays in the same spot and position. I occasionally blow on her to see if shes not dead. She only sometimes moves a few legs all day.
  • hey thanks man is it possible to over feed a taranchula??
  • You bought here at Pet smart?
  • nice rose hair now all you need is a bigger cage and a hollowed out piece of wood or rock for it to hide
  • More information, Kühltransport - here.