arachnids - Brazilian black and mixed-race people discriminated

Brazilian black and mixed-race people discriminated

From (od) : FRANCE 24 English | News & Politics | time (czas) 02:31 | count (liczba odwiedzin) 95105 | rating (ocena) 4.141104 | Advert. (polecamy) - | Brazilian black and mixed-race people discriminated.

Comment (komentarze):

  • Man, that second guy, he ain't black, he's clearly looks Indian.
  • I am half brazillian and I see plenty of blacks there and I am half black myself and I don't see discrimination just being honest 
  • I'm a Brazilian mixed because my father is latin portuguese white and my mother latin african black. my wife is white mixed and my kids gonna be mixed too. I feel very proud because I live in a country where we do not judge people by skin color and not segregate races in marriage as United States or Europe. just consider ourselves equal Brazilian citizens
  • I 'm white Brazilian and I am very PROUD of our black and mixed-race people.
  • it'a shame france has more black black politicians in government than brazil does and there population is larger
  • Most black brazilian have long hair. :) That's why I like to see them.
  • People think "racism" is only versus "black/brown" ?
  • Lies , lies ,lies.
  • blacks by the way are not as good learners to begin with compared to mixed and whites and asians.
  • So what? Segregation is a good thing.White unity!
  • I didn't know that Brazil had all this discrimination until some time ago when I did some research online about the slave trade. I live in America and I'm Black mixed with Native American but racism is just full of ignorance. I'm multicultural and I have a fascination about everyone's culture so it is impossible for me to be racist. The whole world has something to offer that can be of use for all human beings. The world is so lost. Who cares if your White or Black. Your both people and should be treated equally. Hating other races is crazy but if your going to do that then keep it to yourself. Nowadays most racist people won't actually say something prejudice to you directly but will express it through their body language. I have this book named Essentials of Human Communications. Understanding body language can really help see how people truly feel about themselves and you. I witness racism all the time. I work at Home Depot and people just give you a look or their response to a Hello, how are you causes them to act different. It's like they haven't seen a Black person in all their days. Just incase folks didn't see this as a big difference then check this out. I'm a Lot Associate and I collect shopping carts so lots of times when there's carts next to a customers vehicle they will immediately lock their doors once they see me approaching to get a cart(s). Unbelievable! Or they will drive off as fast as possible. I'm like lol, "really". I hank God that I have love for the world and only see people as a whole.
  • This must be STOP people !
  • Will Brazil have a black president? They've already chose a woman !But then when it comes to blacks They were the last country to end slavery which says a lot 
  • Why don't they simply.ho back to África'?
  • Strange how every time there is racism directed towards us and we complain the answer is always "go back to Africa" why should I go back to Africa if my ancestors and family have been here since the 1500s? I know how they got here, but still. If most black Brazilians have been here since the 1500s, and European immigrants have now been coming to Brazil since at least the 1800s, who should go back to their motherlands? 
  • I did now know Brazil has Discrimination, but I know now. thanks for sharing.
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  • Can someone tell me something about Brazilian identity. I'd like to know.Thanks.
  • The moors were from AFRICA and not all MOORS were MUSLIM. ARABS have never been white. EVER. AT ALL.
  • The ability of a people to continue to survive and thrive within the bleak reality of their impoverished existence says more about their strenght, and mental sharpness, and innate intelligence than anything else! A slow-minded, and unintelligent race of people would've clearly all died out by now!!!
  • Er zal altijd racisme zijn in een land waar witte en zwarte mensen wonen en waar witte mensen aan de macht zijn. Ik dank God op mijn blote knieën dat het land waar mijn ouders vandaan komen, niet bestuurd wordt door Europeanen, anders had je hetzelfde liedje. Europeanen vinden racisme en hun racistisch systeem nou eenmaal leuk, omdat het in hun voordeel werkt en kunnen zo de macht behouden en rijk blijven door anderen oneerlijk te behandelen of tegen elkaar op te zetten. Ik wilde zelf ooit een keer op vakantie gaan naar Brazilïe, maar vanwege hun slecht, racistisch gedrag, wil ik er niet eens heen. Ik heb ooit gewerkt met 2 witte Braziliaanse dames, en ik kon goed merken dat ze afgunstig en racistisch waren...Trouwens, ik denk dat het voor Afro-Brazilianen verstandig is om terug te gaan naar Afrika. Afrika is een opkomend continent van zwarte mensen, waar de economie zich behoorlijk herstelt. Geen gezeur, geklets of leugens over je huidskleur: je mag je ontwikkelen en het wordt je graag gegund. Het is wel niet eerlijk dat persé zwarte mensen moeten teruggaan, het land is immers ook niet van witte mensen. Europeanen kunnen net zo goed teruggaan, maar dat zullen ze natuurlijk nooit doen, ze hebben daar nou eenmaal de macht.Het land waar mijn ouders vandaan komen heeft de laatste tijd wel veel Braziliaanse immigranten. Ik begrijp dat ze de slechtheid en oneerlijkheid uit Brazilië willen ontvluchten. Ik zal bidden dat God een deur voor deze mensen opent, als dat zal zijn in Zuid-Amerika of Afrika, weet God alleen.
  • the whit people wrom brasil are not brasilians they come wrom europ and are christian or jewish religion the destroy everything send them back to europ brasil is the homland op blacks and amzon indians
  • This is why race mixing is bad for black people, black race mixers most stop, the confusion most stop. Race is terrible.
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  • Hey bro i am from somalia and i live in UK, u already knw racism is white supremacy and white supremacy is racism.
  • This is the price for ruining after white cunt, you are still always considered as a Nigger but in a deluded form.smh ..
  • 4. You sight Haiti as the paradigm of archetypal abjectivity in the "America" (sic). But one can't help but find it interesting that you conveniently neglect to mention the fact that, in those VERY SAME "AMERICA" (sic), the Black nations of Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Bahamas and Barbados are some of the wealthiest nations on earth, with both Bermuda and the Caymans' residing in the TOP TEN of the world's wealthiest nations (ref: United Nations).
  • You do know that Bermuda and the Caymans are both British Territories right?
  • So is most Afro-Americans.
  • History doesn't exist in a vacuum of snippets and snapshots but is ongoing, contiguous and linear. Episodes of colonization, conquestation and conquerization as it pertains to ensuing interaction between Africa and Europe has always been fluid and transitory. Many of the aforementioned chapters occurred centuries before subsequent European forays into Africa as riposte.
  • in the bible the so called jewish nation today are considered the synagogue of satan. that's exactly what they are. those people who called themselves jews today are whites from russia,germany etc. blacks identity have been stolen completely
  • In fact, were it not for African endeavors into Europe at the very dawn of civilization, which lead to settlements that ultimately supplanted the Neanderthal, modern humans (Homo sapiens) WOULD NOT EXIST THERE AT ALL!
  • The Moors were largely not Nubian, they were by and large of Arabic descent, though discussion of this is futile given the huge racial and ethnic intermixture of those peoples following the islamization of North Africa. But there were noticeable differences between say Moors and Berbers, who were pure black African at the time.
  • 2) Regarding your presumption that Africans learned their smelting skills from the Chinese or Indians. Allow me to point out: Nowhere in the excerpts is there mention of Africans trading with China during the Mapungubwe Kingdom era.Let's read the passage from the Library of Congress again shall we: "The residents engaged in extensive trade with people as far east as the Indian Ocean." SPOILER ALERT: CHINA IS NOT ON THE INDIAN OCEAN! Africans did not have contact with China during that period.
  • The reason you "won't bother to answer" is because YOU CAN'T! You know it &I know! Don't delude yourself. Your entire deliberation has been reduced to responding to empirical data with antiquated theories & repudiated fallacies. You're incapable of producing anything credible. In theoretical science: Statements without verifiable references are called opinions, NOT FACTS! And that's the crux your argument. Little more than baseless assertions & subjective innuendo.Of course you "won't answer"!
  • In his book 'Histories', renown Greek historian Herodotus writes: 'One thing I can add about this land (Libya/Mauritania/Morocco): so far as one knows, it is inhabited by indigenous races. These indigenous peoples are Ethiopians (Black). They are just like the southern Ethiopians (in Ethiopia), except for their language. Their hair is the crispest and curliest in the world.' Silius Italicus a Roman writer and historian at the beginning of the Christian era describes the Maures as 'Black'.
  • Reciprocity including correspondence between decentral authorities, as well as those of diverse modes between high grades of the same rite. In fact, the very ascendency of western Europe is indebted to eras of subsumption to African hegemony.
  • I would even venture that if your proposition did work, initially, there would be those who would find other wedge issues of division: Language, religion, gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, left handed vs right handed, liberal vs conservative, rich vs poor, etc., etc. For truly authentic racial harmony to transpire, I believe that the only solution is for us to learn (better yet, to 're-learn') to appreciate and embrace the beauty of human diversity.
  • first off, im white and im not the only ex jew who has come to the realization of who the real hebrew people are and what color Yah is. second sematic people are not the real jews. it doesnt surprise me that you commented the way you did. when my family found out they responded the same way you did. your ignorance is evident. maybe if you read the bible for once and shut out your racist thinking you'll realize the same.
  • 4 cont'd..Black Bermuda, the world's fourth wealthiest nation,has a per capita of $72,000 per annum, that even exceeds that of the U.S. by 50% ($48,000).Black ruled Cayman Island residents at per capita $44,000, are wealthier than those of the White nations of Australia ($40K),Sweden ($41K),Germany ($39K),Britain ($37K), France ($36K) & virtually every other White nation on this planet, most of Asia & EVERY NATION IN LATIN AMERICA.Of course, willful ignorance prevents you from knowing this!
  • In conclusion, FACTS are a funny thing. They illuminate our racism and bias, presumptions and assumptions, preconceptions and misperceptions, then dismantles them, wholly, giving us a clearer picture of reality, in its totality and proper context. They countermand application for biased expedience, but are readily deployed to secure an accurate appraisal of the overall subject matter. They are not preserved 'sub rosa', but available to all who willingly seek them.
  • barack obama is mixed race
  • 4) Let's read what the Library of Congress study has to say,again, regarding your claim that 'west south africa was unhabited (sic) for 400 miles': "By 1600 all of what is now South Africa had been settled: by Khoisan peoples in the west and southwest, by Sotho-Tswana in the Highveld,and by Nguni along the coastal plains." Are you illiterate? Repeat: ALL of what is now S.Africa, had been settled by the year 1600,INCLUDING THE WEST! 1600, by the way,is more than 200 years BEFORE whites arrived.
  • I think slowly but surely, we're getting to a place of mutual consent (though I must admit, more "slowly" than "surely"). Nevertheless, again, I sincerely applaud your intent and purpose, my dear friend. You are well worthy.
  • woh no i think your mistaken, the word moor actually means black, do your research my brother.
  • So resplendent was Hannibal's genius that expert Military historian Theodore Ayrault Dodge called Hannibal "The 'father of strategy', because even his greatest enemy, Rome, came to adopt his military tactics into its own strategic arsenal", which directly aggrandized their epoch as Europe's greatest empire.
  • 3. cont'd...Remember, Jews engaged in numerous endeavors of mercantile in Pre-WWI Germany, but to call them that society's aristocrats, would be sheer folly. In no society on this planet are shopkeepers considered the elite! NONE! Merchant class does not equate to ruling class. Only a blatant fool would assume otherwise.
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